5 Benefits of Vacuum Infusion to Enhance your Quality & Budget
Vacuum infusion process, also called Resin infusion process is becoming more and more popular within the composite industry. It is also commonly used in the marine and wind energy sector. In marine sector, hulls are regularly manufactured from 6m to 40m as well as decks, floors and other huge components where weight is crucial. But, this process is not limited to marine sector. It can be used in various market sectors, especially in construction and land transport for the construction of large structures. Recently, many boat builders have started to shift from the hand lay up to vacuum infusion process, even for small parts. One of the major motivations for infusion is the minimization of styrene emissions. Not only does styrene emissions produce a bad odour, but also pollutes the environment when the volatiles are not filtered. In the vacuum infusion process, the vacuum bag covering the part, forms a closed mould and prevents emission of styrene vapor, thus not causing any harm to t...